Older Posts 2025-01-22 Locality-Sensitive Orderings 2024-11-24 Additive Spanners 2024-10-14 Some Interesting SODA25 Papers 2024-09-03 Padded Decomposition for Bounded Treewidth Graphs 2024-05-05 Non-Steiner Tree Covers 2024-04-19 Optimal Euclidean Tree Covers 2024-01-28 Computing Diameter of Unit Disk Graphs 2023-10-15 Exciting Recent Progress on Steiner Point Removal Problem 2023-08-13 DIMACS Workshop on Modern Techniques in Graph Algorithms 2023-07-31 Separator Theorems 2023-05-14 Amazing Recent Advances on Shotcut Set and The Likes 2023-02-26 Halperin-Zwick Algorithm for Spanners 2023-01-08 Shortcutting Trees 2022-11-30 Sparsity of minor-free graphs